
Accessories includes antenna mounts, lightning protection, power options and spare power supplies. There are two different kind of antenna mounts fixed type L-mount (GNSS-ANT-L-MOUNT-T) for Tallysman antennas and adjustable antenna mount (GNSS-ESM) for Tallysman and Trimble antennas. Lightning protection (GNSS-LTNGPROT-K1) is for preventing lightning to break equipment on the coaxial line in case of lightning strikes to the antenna. Power supplies we have outdoor and indoor options. For outdoor use we have IP67 rated power supply GNSS-PSU1-IP67 and for indoor use IP40 rated supplies GNSS-PS-AC (AC/DC) and GNSS-PS_DC_12/24 (DC/DC).

GNSS-ESM, Mounting Accessories

GNSS-ESM, Mounting Accessories

GNSS-ANT-L-MOUNT-T, Mounting Accessories for antenna

GNSS-ANT-L-MOUNT-T, Mounting Accessories for antenna

GNSS-LTNGPROT-K1, Surge Protection Package

GNSS-LTNGPROT-K1, Surge Protection Package

GNSS-ESM-T, Mounting Accessories

GNSS-ESM-T, Mounting Accessories

GNSS-PS-AC, IP40 power supply

GNSS-PS-AC, IP40 power supply

GNSS-PSU1-IP67, Power supply IP67

GNSS-PSU1-IP67, Power supply IP67